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Showing posts from November, 2010

SEO Penalties

SEO has brought a lot of benefits to all who implement it. Search engine optimization seems a straight forward process but there are so many methods you could use to execute it but some of these methods can also land you in trouble. Have you ever heard about search engine penalties? You see the search engines have been targeted a lot by a massive number of spam and automation. For this reason, they have filters which have been built into the index for investigating things like unnatural pattern, duplicate content or automated website link building. The SEO penalties can vary in their duration and effects. The most common penalty is a fall in ranking for a specific site or page with the anchor text supporting. Let’s say you have come up with thousands of new inbound links in your profile in just a month and had built just a few hundred links over the past few months, it would surely look unnatural to the search engines and may flag a penalty. Over optimization of sites can always lead t...

PPC and Artificial Intelligence- Rocking Trends of 2010

All you small business owners out there, listen up, there's a new concept that's making huge waves in the online market. It is basically a concept that integrates the Pay per Click Management technology with several artificial intelligence components. Moreover, you need to say goodbye to all your old search engine optimization strategies, for the new and improved dynamic SEO strategy has been introduced, in order to boost search engine results. One can say that it is a new and improved system that allows websites self optimize, based on certain targets that are related to leads and sales. In order to take full advantage of this latest trend, you need to integrate your site with customized Web Analytics and then combine it with your analytics data. This will most definitely allow your site to respond quicker to the changing environments with effective bid adjustment and page optimization. Your newly implemented Pay per Click Management Technology will help in weeding out all tho...

Simple techniques for designing a web site

A web site that has the best products and services but does not appeal to the masses is not what works in this cut throat competition of the online market. A good web design is equally important for the success of your estore. Listed below are a few techniques you might incorporate for yielding those much desired results: 1.Keep the navigation simple: The success of your web site design is usually measured by its stickiness. This means gauging how long do the visitors stay on your site. Do they stay and read the content of your site or just move on to the next link? These answers might help you understand and develop what you are lacking. 2.The layout design of your entire web site should be very clean: Your web site will look better if it has a lot of white spaces rather than crammed in content. Also use fonts that are available in all computers or else your site will end up looking messy. Nobody wishes to visit such a site. 3.Incorporate programs that use Cascading Style Sheets: The ...